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Beware the snares of some atheist freemasons disguised as Christians!

Freemasonry, the system of the antichrist that holds the world under its sway and is leading the whole planet toward irreligion, wants to give a false impression of Islam by pretending to be Christian. In order to achieve that aim it seeks to train terrorists who appear to be Muslims. By providing Muslims with an entirely different image of the Mahdi they seek to give the impression there will be widespread bloodshed in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as).

Yet according to Islam, the People of the Book (Christians and Jews) are entrusted to Muslims. Muslims have a duty to protect and watch over every member of the People of the Book and to ensure they live comfortably by making the finest means available to them. Our duty toward people who believe in the same Allah, who have faith in Him and remember Him as the One and Only, is to protect them. The finest model on that subject is the behavior toward the People of the Book of the Prophet Muhammad (saas) in his own day, and his protection of them. Christians and Jews lived in the greatest comfort in the time of the Prophet (saas) and were able to worship as they wished in total security.

Moreover, as can be seen from the hadith of our Prophet (saas), no blood will be spilled in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), which will be one of love, peace, well-being and security. It will be a holy time when everyone loves everyone else and when Muslims, Christians and Jews will all worship together in security. Because of its plenty, abundance, love and beauty, this holy time in which Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear will be known as the Golden Age.

We are told in hadith narrated from our Prophet (saas) that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will rule with love and not cause a single drop of blood to be shed:

People will seek refuge in Hazrat Mahd i(as) as honey bees cluster around their sovereign. He will fill the world that was once full of cruelty, with justice. His justice will be as such that HE WILL NOT WAKE A SLEEPING PERSON OR EVEN SHED ONE DROP OF BLOOD. The earth will return to the age of happiness. 1

Hazrat Mahdi (as) will follow the way of the Prophet (saas). HE WILL NOT WAKE UP A SLEEPING PERSON OR SHED BLOOD. 2


Those who swear allegiance to him [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] will swear allegiance between the Corner and the Maqam [near the Kaaba].THEY WILL NOT WAKEN THE SLEEPER, AND THEY WILL NEVER SHED BLOOD. 4

The aim behind this misrepresentation of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is to spread corruption in the world and turn Christians and Muslims against one another. Masons want to stop believers praising Allah and growing stronger by acting together, to create divisions between them and to be able to persist in their own perverted activities. The masonic system in question seeks to spread this bloody ideology and to raise people with a terrorist mindset who espouse that perspective as leaders of the Islamic world. These alleged leaders with a terrorist mindset are turned into heroes under the influence of these masonic circles. The aim of the masons, the army of the antichrist, is thus to destroy both the Muslim and Christian worlds.

Masons even want to bring about population control by these means. The horrible ideas proposed in the 19th century by
Thomas Malthus, who modeled himself on Darwin’s mindset, are today being put into action by the masons. Malthus was encouraged by Darwin’s ideas of “the strong crushing the weak” and maintained that wars were essential to prevent the increasing world population growing still further, that the sick and crippled should be killed and that it was essential to spread the plague in order to ensure population control. By pretending to be devout believers, the masons want to bring about a terrible population control based on slaughter, by deceiving devout Christians and Muslims and spreading this heretical system. They want to eliminate both groups. This vile and ugly stratagem must be exposed, and these heretical intentions of the masons must be thwarted. Christians and Jews must be on their guard against this stratagem and not fall into that error.


1 Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p.29
2 Portents of Doomsday, p. 163
3 Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 44
4 Al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi 'Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 24

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