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The corruption caused by Darwinist education

Darwinism is the philosophical basis for much of the conflict in the world. The theory of evolution claims that living species came into being from a single cell (for the formation of which Darwinists have no scientific explanation) by undergoing constant and random changes over the course of time. One of the main elements in this supposed change and progress is conflict. This ruthless ideology, which maintains that living things can only advance through conflict, is based on the strong eliminating the weak. The way that the heretical religion of Darwinism was launched as a supposedly scientific theory and was included on school curricula across the world resulted in a mass deception and perverted Darwinist ideas spread right through society. This ended in countless disasters in which millions of people lost their lives.

The conspicuous causes of the wars, suffering, shortages, devastation and repression that took place in the last century are atheist and materialist ideologies such as communism and fascism. Many people were killed, forced from their homes, left to starve or subjected to inhumane treatment by the servants of these ideologies. When we look at the foundations of these superstitious ideologies, the bloody materialist philosophy we see is always the same; Darwinism. Communism, fascism and all ideologies that espouse terrorism make use of the heretical philosophy of Darwinism in order to deceive the public. Brains shaped over the years by Darwinist ideas become literally bewitched by the teachings of this superstitious religion and its ways of thinking, including about the true origin of life, are damaged by its irrational interpretations. As a result, under the influence of this bloody ideology, everyone’s brains are literally hypnotized and become, knowingly or otherwise, the enactors of the rituals of the heretical religion that is Darwinism.

Darwinism Lies at the Root of Bloodshed, Terror and Violence

Certain circles that wish to make the world a place of bloody struggle and lead innocent masses of people into civil conflict have come up with a satanic way of implementing their very dangerous ideas; to make the unscientific teachings of Darwinism a part of the education system. In this way, young minds are taught in the framework of destructive ideas right from the beginning. Minds convinced that there is a ruthless struggle in nature, that the strong must eliminate the weak and that this is part of life, that the sick, weak and elderly are supposed embarrassments for society and that these groups must absolutely be done away with gradually begin regarding selfishness, ruthlessness and cruelty as perfectly normal. They begin to perceive these as a precondition for progress. They turn away from altruism, humanity, love and compassion. Because for them these are all obstacles that hold back the so-called process of evolution. Since they imagine there is no purpose to the lives they lead, they see no need, in their own eyes, for such moral virtues as altruism and self-sacrifice. They regard violence as legitimate. They regard it as quite normal to oppress, wrong, inflict physical harm and even kill. This means that young minds subjected to Darwinist education become prone to adopting all kinds of separatist, destructive and violent ideas. One of the most important points here is this; the Darwinist definition of man as a species of animal that advanced as the result of chance and through violence is the rejection of belief in the Hereafter, where people will be held to account and spend their eternal lives, by rejecting the obvious existence of our Creator, Almighty Allah. The way they shape the lives of human societies that forget Allah, the sole possessor of power, according to the teachings of the heretical religion of Darwinism, falsely imagining they will not be called to account for their cruelty, ruthlessness and mercilessness, results in suffering, tears and torment.

The results of the imposition in the last century of Darwinism on vast masses of people through the education system were terribly bloody ones. Ideologies such as fascism and communism were imposed in this way, and despite people’s horrendous experiences of them, they continued to find supporters through the pressure from the
Darwinist dictatorship. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives in the concentration camps because they were regarded as a so-called weak evolutionary link. For that same reason, people were forced from their homes and left to starve, and a climate of poverty that embraced the world emerged. Peoples who had lived in peace and harmony for hundreds of years now began regarding one another as supposed species of animal. As a consequence, conflicts erupted and lands where peace and harmony had reigned for centuries were now drenched in blood. It would be a graver error to regard a few perverted dictators or ruthless rulers as the sole cause for everything that happened, because in every period when such atrocities took place, masses of people who had been brainwashed by being taught the superstitious religion of Darwinism gave wide support to the oppressors. For instance, it was not Hitler alone who planned to eliminate the old, the sick and the Jews in Nazi Germany. Mao and Lenin were not alone as they engaged in repression that ruthlessly oppressed and slaughtered millions. Nor was King Leopold II of Belgium the only person guilty of thousands of people in the Congo being regarded as animals because of the color of their skins and put to forced labor, dying under the very harsh conditions. And it is not just a few rebels who were responsible for the recent genocide in Ruanda, the years of civil unrest in Sierra Leone or the civil war in Guinea. All the atrocities cited in all these regions are rooted in Darwinism and were supported by the adherents of Darwinism.

Therefore, if there is terror, bloodshed, anarchy or innocent people being killed in any region in the world, it is impossible to think of this independently of Darwinism. If we want an end to terror and bloodshed, then the most effective means of securing this is by describing the invalidity of Darwinism and showing people, with full supporting scientific evidence, that Darwinism has collapsed. This also applies to the separatist terror that has raged for years in Southeast Turkey. Because as with all the communist terror ever perpetrated, the terrorism of the PKK is nourished by the philosophy of Darwinism. One can see this quite clearly from statements by the leader of that separatist terrorist organization:

There is little difference between man and the animal species closest to him. He eats what he finds ready in nature, and shelters in an unorganized manner in trees and hollows. But with the acquisition of the ability to speak and think there will inevitably be solidarity with other members of the species in collecting food, defense against OTHER ANIMALS, protection against natural disasters and the development of various primitive stone tools. Until that stage, THE LAW OF BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTIONS, WHICH APPLIES AMONG ANIMALS, prevails.

(Kurdish Humanism and the New Man, Istanbul, April 2001, p. 13)

MAN IS THE MOST ADVANCED SOCIALIZED FORM OF ANIMAL.Man is the wildest animal and the most ruthless animal.

(Kurdish Humanism and the New Man, Istanbul, April 2001, p. 106)

Darwinist Education Continues to Be a Scourge on World Societies

Denying and remaining insensitive to the link between Darwinism and terror means denying the existence of terror and anarchy and being insensitive to them. An intellectual struggle against Darwinism, which denies the existence of Almighty Allah and encourages war, terror, slaughter, degeneration and immorality, is essential. The psychological damage inflicted on young people by the teaching of the superstitious religion of Darwinism in schools leads to social massacre and individual despair. There have recently been horrifying cases of several young people killing other students they regarded as weak and powerless, supposedly in the name of contributing to Darwinism and speeding up the evolutionary process. One example of this reflected in the press was the student massacre that took place in Finland.

On 7 November, 2007, a student at the Jokela High School in the Finland by the name of Eric Auvinen killed himself after murdering 9 fellow-students. Auvinen justified this bloody incident on video as follows:

"I am just a normal anarchist that believes in natural selection. Humans need to put natural selection back on tracks. The animals live that way, why won’t the humans. We are animals after all. We were made that way now we just screw everything up and pollute the Earth that birthed us. Humans are the worst animals on the planet. We humans came up with a screwed up society. The whole world is screwed. All of the society shall fall. That is what should happen. The sooner, the better… Law is the opinion of the “higher in power”… That’s why you should take control of your own life. Live in anarchy. Do what you want and don’t let others tell you what to do. This is your own life. The weak should die while the strong live. It is survival of the fittest, natural selection. Animals die all the time. You don’t see some dog crying their eyes out after they figure out that some other dog died. Because another dog has died. Humans die too. It should be the same reaction. It is just all natural, not a big deal. Do not cry for someone you don’t know, this is not sad… I evolved one step further… My personal philosophy, THE GENOCIDE OF THE HUMAN RACE MUST HAPPEN.” (2)

(Capital letters in original text) (Pekka-Eric Auvinen's Video 'My Philosophy', (Capital letters in original text)

The Jokela High School massacre represents a clear instance of the tragic consequences that can result from teaching Darwinism to the young as if it were a scientific fact. Besides, this is not the only such bloody incident. On 20 April, 1999, two students at the Columbine High School in the US state of Colorado, 18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold went to school carrying guns and bombs, and committed suicide after murdering 12 students and one teacher in 30 minutes. The T-shirt Harris wore during the attack had the words “NATURAL SELECTION” written on it. Most of the documents taken from Harris’s home after the attack referred to natural selection and feelings of superiority. In videos earlier uploaded onto the internet, Harris and Klebold constantly referred to themselves as supposedly “more evolved” and to how it felt to be “superhuman.”

Filling young minds with the perverted teachings of Darwinism gives rise to very bloody and ruthless consequences, as in these examples. The only way to protect young minds exposed to superstitious Darwinist indoctrination from the consequences of this bloody philosophy is anti-Darwinian and anti-materialist education. We must not forget that all that one-sided Darwinist education has brought the world is war, conflict, oppression, slaughter, hunger, poverty and terror. The theory of evolution consists of outdated and unscientific 19th century nonsense. It is pointless to teach evolution to the young as if it were scientific fact. What young people need to be taught about evolution is that modern scientific evidence and findings have proved that evolution is a lie. Students in schools need to be told about evolution in the same way as other historical errors, such as the way people used to think the Sun revolved around the Earth, or that the Earth was flat, or that the Earth was held aloft on the horns of oxen. Because evolution is an irrational myth, just like, or maybe even more than, them. And in contrast to them, evolution was not born out of ignorance, but is a deception deliberately put forward with the aim of turning people away from Allah.

- Young people need to be told clearly that Darwinism has no scientific explanation for the emergence of the first cell,

- How more than 250 million fossils so far unearthed refute evolution and prove creation by Allah,

- That the Earth is full of fossils that repudiate evolution,

- That all branches of science have exposed the invalidity of Darwinism and

- That Darwinism is a fanatical religion that has long since been discredited.

In this way, the snares of those who want to drown the world in blood, who benefit from conflict and violence, who encourage people in the direction of conflict and chaos, and who want ruthlessness and selfishness to rule the world will be thwarted, and as people live by the moral values Allah commands in the Qur’an, the world will become a lace of happiness and joy, peace and security.

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