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Adnan Oktar on Live Interview


During the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the Prophet Jesus (as) the Solomonmasjid will be rebuilt and all believers will worship there in tranquility

The Solomon Masjid has been under the dominion of the antichrist system, that is freemasonry right after the death of the Prophet Solomon (as). By residing and conducting his activities there, the antichrist disables the performance of religious obligations of Muslims, Christians and Jews. By Allah’s leave, in the End Times, with the emergence of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the Prophet Jesus (as) of the Solomon Masjid will be taken from the antichrist and will be rebuilt. Muslims, Christians and Jews will perform their religious obligations there. And with the coming of the Golden Age, peace, comfort and security will rule in the world.

Cradle of Masonic Rituals: Zedekiah Cave Beneath the Solomon Masjid

Zedekiah Cave beneath the Solomon Masjid has been built during the construction of the Solomon Masjid. The person who built the cave was Hiram Abif, a mason himself who also took place in the construction of the masjid.

The demons who helped during the construction of the Solomon Masjid were masons. Allah states in the Qur’an that the demons who served the Prophet Solomon (as) were yoked together in chains.

So We subjected the wind to him to blow at his command, softly, wherever he directed.
And the demons, every builder and diver, and others of them, yoked together in chains. (Surah Sad, 36-38)

The demons yoked together in chains referred to in the verse may point to the masons chained together with masonic chain (Allah knows the truth). In that era, masons reached even close to the Prophet Solomon (as) who was communicating the religion of Allah and tried to obstruct him. However, they couldn’t beat the Prophet Solomon (as), the supporter of Allah and could not obstruct him.

The existence of this cave, which is the cradle of masonry in which rituals have been held for 2,500 years, has been kept secret persistently and diligently. Only the outer part of the cave is open to public. The inner sections in which the rituals take place have been concealed from public for 2,500 years.

Matti Shelon, the head of the Israeli freemasons, who holds the title of First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter for the State of Israel, summarizes the importance of Zedekiah cave to freemasons as thus:

“You might say that this cave is our Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem and Wailing Wall all rolled into one. For Freemasons around the world this is the cradle of masonry.”

, the freemason lodge in question, where all sorts of satanic rituals are performed, has been IN ACTIVITY FOR 2,500 YEARS AND ALL SATANIC PLOTS TARGETING THE WORLD ARE HATCHED HERE.

Mr. Adnan Oktar Reported the Existence of the Cave in 2004

Mr. Adnan Oktar openly expressed the existence of this cave, which has been persistently kept as a secret, 5 years ago in one of his articles that appeared in the Turkish journal, İlmi Araştırma (Scientific Research). (You can read the article in question from

In this article Adnan Oktar quoted the following hadith as an evidence for the appearance of antichrist (dajjal) from a rocky place and reported that antichrist was deployed in a rocky place in Jerusalem at Solomon Temple:

.... (Dajjal) will appear from a rocky place, and spread intensive mischief around (by sending troops everywhere). (Sunan Ibn Majah; Imam Sharani, The Portents of Death, Resurrection, Hereafter and the End Times, Bedir Publishing, pp. 493-494)

The rocky place in question where the antichrist will appear is the Zedekiah Cave under the Solomon Masjid where 33
rd degree freemasons hold satanic rituals. This is what is meant by the predomination of the antichrist over the Solomon Masjid. For all this time, the antichrist conducted all his satanic activities from this cave. He hindered Muslims, Christians and Jews from fulfilling their religious obligations easefully and strived to spread cruelty and mischief to the region. In the End Times, by Allah’s leave, the Solomon Temple will be taken from the antichrist’s hands and rebuilt by the Prophet Jesus (as) and Hazrat Mahdi (as). Muslims, Christians and Jews will perform their religious obligations in this holy location in peace and security.


1- Thomas L. Friedman, “Quarrying History in Jerusalem, New York Times, December 1, 1985;


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