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The real cause of the civil conflict and slaughter in Africa: Darwinism

It is the perverted teachings of Darwinism that lie at the basis of the internal conflict, wars and climate of instability that developed in the 20th century. This ideology proposed the lie that life is a field of struggle, that it is legitimate for the weak, the poor and those it regards in its own eyes as “inferior races” to be oppressed and even eradicated, that at the end of this struggle the “fittest” will survive while the rest are eliminated, and that mankind will “advance” in this way.

Darwinism has had a long-lasting and damaging effect on the culture of societies and individuals. The perverted idea that life is a supposed “field of struggle” and that people must live to win that struggle or at least to “survive” in that savage environment has spread as a corrupt world view, one that totally violates religious moral values, and has resulted in new life styles that have inflicted disasters on mankind right across the world. According to this twisted belief, it is regarded as normal for handicapped people to be rounded up and left to die in concentration camps. People’s skulls, height and nostril width must be measured and people classified accordingly. So-called lower classes can then be ruthlessly oppressed, exploited and eliminated. For people who believe that people and societies can only advance when they put this barbarity into practice, all slaughter, genocide, oppression and ruthlessness is literally regarded as a huge success.

One of the places where this ruthless and oppressive mindset has led to great suffering, losses and tragedies is Africa. According to Darwin, European races were favored races. And according to Darwin’s twisted logic, all Asian and African races had supposedly been left behind during the so-called process of evolution. Darwin did not even regard them as human. In his book the
Descent of Man, he attempted to make various strange racist prophecies. In the book, black people and native Australian were considered in the same status as gorillas:

“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes … will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.” (Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, 2nd edition, New York, A L. Burt Co., 1874, p. 178)

Darwin’s idea that African races were backward ones needing to disappear during the so-called process of evolution bestowed a supposed legitimacy on the ruthless colonization of Africa and the enslavement of innocent Africans. The tragedies Darwinism caused in Africa, however, were not limited to colonialism and slavery. The conflicts caused by tribes and communities living in Africa slaughtering one another were also stoked up by the Darwinist mindset.

Darwinism Brought Conflict to Africa, Which Had Never Known Tribal Wars Prior to Colonization

The peoples of Africa lived in tribes for thousands of years. In the period before the Europeans colonized the countries of Africa there had been practically no tribal wars for 300 years.

The colonization of the peoples on the continent of Africa was based on the perverted idea that this black race supposedly had not developed as far as the European Anglo-Saxon race. According to the Darwinist error, after being colonized by the Europeans, the people of Africa, regarded by the Europeans as not yet having become modern man, were sub-divided into further classes according to a so-called “evolutionary hierarchy,” on the basis of skull volume, skin color, height and bone structures. Societies with lighter colored skin, a larger brain volume and greater height were accordingly regarded as a “more advanced race.”

Physically supposedly more evolved so-called “superior Africans” were thought to be more predisposed to progress, like the Europeans, and were appointed to the leadership of “inferior Africans” and the colonizers thus oppressed those they regarded as inferior races by the hand of those they considered to be more advanced. For example, groups raised to positions of leadership lived comfortably, while those peoples regarded as inferior were lashed into working in fields and mines, starved and sterilized; in other words, slaughtered. When the colonial powers eventually left these regions, leaving behind no just system or order, the groundwork laid by the Darwinist mindset led to conflict in which millions of people in these countries lost their lives.

Civil conflicts are still going on in Kenya, Somalia, Darfur, Chad and Sierra Leone. A large part of the internal conflicts going on in African countries still stems from discrimination. The cruelty wreaked by Darwinist teachings violently manifests itself in this fertile continent. When Rwanda became a Belgian colony, for instance, all its ethnic minorities had been living in peace for centuries. But Belgian gave the Tutsis and Hutus, who had never been in conflict before then, different identity cards on the basis of their ethnic origins. People were rounded up in groups, and their skull measurements, height, skin color and nasal width recorded.
Belgium concluded that the Tutsis were supposedly superior to the Hutus, at which the Hutus were forced to labor in the coffee fields under the lash, while the minority Tutsis were put in charge of them. The Hutus were exposed to various inhuman practices for many years. Note that the Belgians’ justification for putting the Tutsis in charge was the claim that with their greater height, small noses and lighter skin, the Tutsis were closer to the Europeans on the supposed evolutionary ladder. Thus it was that the seeds of discord and conflict were sowed between two societies which had never experienced any problems before. Eventually, one of the century’s worst massacres took place in the country, with around a million Tutsis and moderate Hutus being slaughtered in just 100 days.

The great majority of the internal conflicts in Africa today stem from ethnic divisions left over from colonial times. Peoples who had lived in peace and regarded one another as equal for hundreds of years were then exposed to oppression through Darwinist ideas and incited against one another. A climate of insecurity and distrust was established, and peoples forced to live under oppressive circumstances were forced into conflict with one another. Ruthless class struggle, one of the beliefs of the heretical religion of Darwinism, shed vast quantities of blood in this delightful continent.

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