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Twentieth-century atheist masonry: Silent and remote

During 18th and 19th centuries, the activities of Masons in countries such as France, Germany, Italy and Russia, clearly showed that the goal of Masonry was socio-political revolution. Masonry wanted to establish a new order in which religious institutions and religious faith are eradicated, and to this end has attempted to topple monarchies that were supportive of religion. In many European countries, Masonic lodges became rallying centers for opponents of religion, where coups, uprisings, assassinations, political plots and anti-religious politics were conspired. Behind all such activities, whether on a small or grand scale, which have occurred since the French Revolution in 1789 to the twentieth century, is found the influence of Masonry.

According to the English historian Michael Howard, Masonic lodges concentrated their efforts in the second half of the nineteenth century to overthrow the two remaining important Empires: the Austro-Hungarian and the Russian Empires, and were able to achieve their goal as a result of the World War One.

In other words, at the beginning of the twentieth century, Masonry had, in great measure, achieved its goal of socio-political revolution.

Therefore, the twentieth century was not one of Masonic revolutions. Thinking they have no more obstacles to confront, Masons prefer to merely disseminate their philosophy instead of hatching political plots. They spread their materialist and humanist philosophy to the masses under the guise of science, or by means of art, the media, literature, music and all manner of popular culture. Masons do not intend by this propaganda to eradicate the divine religions in a sudden revolution; they want to achieve this over the long-term, and to initiate all people into their philosophy only little by little.

An American Mason sums up this method as follows:

Freemasonry does its work silently, but it is the work of a deep river, that silently pushes on towards the ocean. (The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Masonry (Freemasonry)," New Advent, (

According to Voice magazine, published by the Grand Lodge in Chicago, "So, silently but surely and continually, it [Masonry] builds into the great fabric of human society"( Voice, Chr. 1889, II, 257 sq.; The Catholic Encyclopedia, "Masonry (Freemasonry)," New Advent, ( This "building into the great fabric" will come about when the basics of Masonic philosophy—materialism, humanism and Darwinism—are imposed on society.

The most interesting aspect of this silent and remote strategy is that those Masons who are carrying it out almost never reveal that it is being done in the name of Masonry. They do their work under different identities, titles and in different positions of power, but they impose a commonly espoused philosophy they adopted through Masonry, on society.

The result of this deceit is very detrimental. The program of alienating the masses from religion, carried out by Masonry in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, gave rise to neo-pagan ideologies such as racism and fascism, and secular and violent ideologies such as communism. The spread of social Darwinism deemed people to be animals struggling for their existence, the brutal results of which came about in the second half of the nineteenth century and in the twentieth century. The World War One was the work of European leaders who, as a result of Darwin's suggestions, regarded war and bloodshed as a biological necessity. During that war, 10 million people went to their deaths, for nothing. The World War Two that followed it, and in which 55 million people perished, was again the work of totalitarianism, like fascism and communism, that was the result of the seeds of militant secularism sown by the Masons. Throughout the whole world, during the twentieth century, all the destructive wars, conflicts, cruelty, injustice, exploitation, hunger, and moral degradation, basically, were products of irreligious philosophies and ideologies. (For details, see Harun Yahya's The Disasters Darwinism Brought to Humanity)

In short, the philosophy of Masonry has yielded bitter fruit. It could not be otherwise as it is a divine law. Historically, those pagan peoples who rejected the religion of God, in preference of their traditional mythology and the religion of their ancestors, followed the road to destruction. Freemasonry, a contemporary manifestation of this paganism, is drawing the whole world, and themselves, into ruin.

Human beings must protect themselves from this potential calamity, by overcoming the intimations of what Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, a renowned Islamic scholar, referred to as "the disease called materialism and naturalism," and in this way preserve the faith of the masses.


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