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Adnan Oktar on Live Interview


The unclean face of atheist freemasonry is kept totally hidden from low-ranking masons

The masonic organizations across the world have a considerable number of members. When it is proven that freemasonry is a satanic institution, that senior masons act in accordance with revelations received directly from satan and that the system of the antichrist across the world rests on this institution, low-ranking masons react strongly to these explanations. They generally maintain that this information is incorrect and that there is no question of this being a deviant institution that directly worships satan. They maintain that masons are their friends and that they do not believe the people concerned are part of such perversions.
These people themselves or their masonic friends may not be a part of the perversions in question, but it is nevertheless a proven fact all the information concerning the deviant beliefs and actions of freemasonry is true. The reason why the people in question are unaware of these facts is that the unclean and terrifying face of freemasonry is carefully concealed from lower-ranking masons. They are only shown the deceptive face of freemasonry.
Only 31st, 32nd and 33rd degree masons know the real satanic face of freemasonry, and they take that secret with them to the grave. It is in fact high-ranking masons who carry out all kinds of satanic action across the world, who organize themselves in order to create strife among people, especially between Muslims and Christians, and who lay the groundwork for war, anarchy, aggression and killing by spreading Darwinism across the world. These people are strong enough to use their own organizations to impose their decisions on the whole world. If Darwinism, a complete deception, is currently protected by national laws and imposed on professors and scientists, the reason behind this is again high-ranking masons.
A senior mason has no belief in Allah. He believes in the existence of satan, regards him as a sacred being and, most noteworthy of all, can establish direct contact with him. Therefore, the decisions adopted at masonic assemblies are received directly from satan. These people who act under satan’s direction fully implement the instructions they receive, hold ceremonials, drink goat’s blood and make sacrifices to satan. The number of people who reach that level is limited. The number of people in possession of this secret is therefore also proportionately low.
This is a system that freemasonry describes as “esoteric.” Esotericism is when a master instructs only to the competent ones within a specific order and discipline, profound knowledge and secrets regarding a subject being concealed from the unfit people. The lower ranks in freemasonry do not, therefore, know what the higher ranks know. It is forbidden for a high-ranking person to impart secrets to a low-ranking member. One can only know what goes on at the higher levels when one reaches those ranks. It is therefore impossible for people who have only recently become freemasons or who have not yet attained the 33rd degree to know these secrets. People at the lower levels generally see a warm and friendly manner, under the humanistic mask that freemasonry hides behind. As a requirement of the fundamental teaching of freemasonry, that “you will shine the light only gradually into sleepy eyes,” the higher up the ranks a mason ascends, so the secrets of freemasonry will gradually be imparted to him. This is set out explicitly in the Turkish masonic journal Mimar Sinan:
Freemasonry masks its truths and secrets. Those who desire can slowly discover these masked truths. It may be dangerous to reveal these truths to the weak and thoughtless. It may even destroy the beliefs they hold. But it strengthens those of those who enter freemasonry. That is the reason for the construction of eternal secrets. These are the school that acts as the preparatory institution for those beginning to seek knowledge and wisdom. Truths received without undergoing a proper preparatory phase may be destructive and confusing for them.[1]
One extract from an article titled “The Secrets of Freemasonry – The Virtue of Reticence and Silence,” again taken from Mimar Sinan magazine, reads:
We must keep the secrets entrusted to us hidden in the deepest corners of our hearts. We must be as wordless as the dead, as silent as the grave. This is an oath, an honor, and a debt of conscience.[2]
One source describes how freemasonry consists of two different communities, the one unaware of the other, and that the lower-ranking community can never be aware of the satanic plans of the higher-ranking members:
Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity -- an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect ... it is necessary to establish the existence of these two separate and yet interdependent orders, the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of 'free and accepted' men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic, and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most August [defined as 'of majestic dignity, grandeur'] fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of a mysterious arcannum arcandrum[defined as 'a secret, a mystery'].[3]
The impression given by the visible masonic community does not, of course, in any way reveal the true danger of freemasonry. Masons claim that the aim of the training given them when they join the organization is “peace, brotherhood and love of man,” and they portray themselves as taking part in a great many charitable activities. As described in Mimar Sinan magazine by Master Mason Uner Birkan, through this false appearance the organization can portray itself as a philanthropic institution. That is the visible face of freemasonry.
But the real danger is the invisible side of freemasonry. That is why masons unaware of this sinister aspect of freemasonry need to be on their guard against this danger. The majority of lower-ranking masons are worthy and high-quality people who maintain their religious beliefs and who genuinely do good work for Allah’s approval. But it is of the greatest importance for these people to be on their guard against the terrible deception lying in wait for them, to believe that they are being misled and to be aware of the hidden face of freemasonry that has been around ever since the time of the Knights Templars.

Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar on the subject:
Adnan Oktar: Masons do not need to make proposals to people, as they are already very well known in that sense. For example, if someone wants to become a professor in a university, he knows how easy that will be once he becomes a mason. Or someone who wants to become a departmental head knows how easily that can be done. Therefore, such people are already waiting for the offer to be out to them. Two or three of them will turn up and say we have been watching you and have seen that you are a very talented person. We have decided to make you a freemason. They say they will take the person to their lodge. They have a cell there. They steal a human skull from a graveyard and put it up there. Sit and have a think, they say. They set out salt and sulfur and things in front of him. Then they put something like a mask over his head, tie a cord around his neck and make him walk around on four legs like an animal. Then they tear open his shirt and bear his chest. They hold two or three swords to his chest. Normal, ordinary swords, to the center of his chest. They make him swear not to reveal the masons’ secrets, on pain of death and being cut to pieces. Then they say welcome to freemasonry and take off his blindfold. That is the first phase. After that it is one disgrace after another. This is such kind of an organization. And people then rise to the positions they desire. At first they say that someone who has just woken up and is still half asleep cannot look directly at the light. They say that light has to be provided slowly, in other words, people have to be turned into atheists gradually. Initially, for example, they talk about Darwinism. They discuss Darwinism a bit. They then begin discussing the invalidity of religions. They brainwash people at meetings and conversations to the accompaniment of a lot of alcohol. If they think the person is suitable, they start talking directly about atheism. By the 33rd degree, the highest rank, a person has become a complete atheist. Those are the secrets they impart. There is nothing complex about it. They directly produce atheists. Then there is the idea of gradually spreading it across the world. It is therefore a system built upon doing everything that satan says. Atheist zionists support them. And all forms of immorality are allowed within the organization all over the world. For example, they ask whether a pig would eat filth if it were or no value. That is the logic of freemasonry. And they say this in their own books.

Adnan Oktar: Masons have many times inflicted the most terrible punishments on people who have betrayed them, given away their secrets or done anything they have found displeasing. This generally means death. When they are initiated into freemasonry they swear to be willing to be put to death. There is a masonic oath to the effect that I am willing for you to kill me if I give away the secrets of freemasonry. It is a wide-ranging and lengthy oath. And from time to time they are called in for their oath..

Adnan Oktar: Freemasonry does not kill people directly itself. It has its own killers. Freemasonry has its hired assassins, people who just do that. They take care of spilling blood. When they see someone is opposed to them as in the case of Uzeyir Garih, an that commander also seems so, they kill them for having revealed the secrets of freemasonry, as required by the oath of initiation. If our brothers look at the Freemasonic initiation oaths they will see that the penalty for that is death. Everyone takes oaths, do they not? But who would be willing to be killed by being cut into pieces for breaking one? What kind of oath is that? One in which you are willing to be cut in pieces. That is what will happen to me if I betray freemasonry or reveal its secrets. There are many masonic oaths. But they all come down to murder. Even their oaths are soaked in blood. What else needs to be said?
ADNAN OKTAR’S INTERVIEW FOR VATAN TV (3) (Istanbul, February 2008)
Adnan Oktar: I harbor no hostility towards Freemasons. Masons are generally fine sons of the country. But I am opposed to their ideas, to their beliefs. I am opposed to Darwinist, atheistic, materialist thinking. Once a mason comes to realize that these ideas are false he can turn into a person who is really useful to Turkey. He will become an excellent human being, quite perfect in my eyes.
Reporter: Should the masonic lodges be closed down?
Adnan Oktar: They need to be weeded out and put on a straight footing. There needs to be freedom of belief in the lodges, and people should be told the truth. One cannot get anywhere with force and violence.
[1] Mimar Sinan Magazine (For Masons Alone), article on Freemasonry and Its Essentials, Raşit Temel, 2nd year, September 1968, No: 7, p: 11
[2] Mimar Sinan Magazine (For Masons Alone), article on Freemasonry and Its Essentials, Raşit Temel, 2nd year, September 1968, No: 7, p: 16
[3] Manly P. Hall, Lectures on Ancient Philosophy, Tarcher Publishing, 2005, p. 433

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